FlowCam Capture Settings for Biopharmaceutical Applications

FlowCam Capture Settings for Biopharmaceutical Applications

Scientists using FlowCam in biopharmaceutical research need to accurately assess many diverse particle types that may be present in their samples. Particles from various sources can exhibit unique sizes, shapes, and optical properties. These features influence how particles are differentiated from the image background and their size and shape are determined—a process called segmentation in digital imaging. Effective segmentation of each particle type is critical in obtaining accurate concentration and size measurements

FlowCam instruments allow users to adjust and customize capture settings, parameters that influence how particles are segmented from camera images. These adjustments ensure that the particles in any biopharmaceutical sample can be accurately analyzed by FlowCam

In two technical notes, FlowCam Capture Settings for Biopharmaceutical Applications, Part 1 and Part 2, we provide an overview of the capture settings in VisualSpreadsheet, our recommended values for these settings, and strategies for adjusting these parameters.

pdf-thumbnail-capture-settings-part-1In the first technical note, FlowCam Capture Settings for Biopharmaceutical Applications, Part 1: Recommended Settings, you can learn about our recommended capture settings for accurately analyzing common particle types present in biopharmaceutical formulations. It also provides some recommendations for reporting FlowCam data, including capture settings and particle size metrics

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pdf-thumbnail-capture-settings-part-2In the second technical note, FlowCam Capture Settings for Biopharmaceutical Applications, Part 2: Optimizing Settings, you can learn in detail how capture settings influence particle segmentation, counting, and sizing. This note also provides step-by-step instructions for optimizing your capture settings for your specific particle types and samples.

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FlowCam instruments are flexible platforms that can be used to accurately process a variety of sample and particle types. Learning how to set and fine-tune these settings allows researchers to accurately measure particles in pharmaceuticals—regardless of their optical properties. These adjustments can help you take advantage of the flexibility FlowCam offers as a particle analysis tool.


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